[Contents] [Glossary]

Scope of this project

This project is a reference work in the Internet Communication and Protocols course.
Our goal was to:
  1. search the Internet for the reference material related to DHCP;
  2. learn thoroughly the DHCP details;
  3. provide a not-too-technical explanation of the essential DHCP concepts and background material;
  4. give a comprehensive roadmap for further (more technical) reading.

As a side effect, we all had to learn HTML and hypertext traditions of the Internet-related information and meta-information resources. The pages are written in HTML 3.2 and are well viewed in any conventional browser. The only exceptional feature of HTML (from more modern HTML 4.0, which is not fully adopted yet) you can find within is our using of the Cascading Style Sheets for separation of visual and informational layers, which we favored over vendor-specific proprietary extensions.

[Contents] [Glossary]

About the authors