Re: Pechkinu o Katy

From: Stepan M. Pechkin (
Date: Wed 16 Jun 1999 - 00:55:50 IDT

    O, Freddy!

FA> Slushay, Pechkin.
FA> Mozhet mne pogovorit' s veduschimi togo kluba, gde
FA> ya budu vystupat' i mozhno budet sdelat' tam sol'ny
FA> koncert Katy. No uchti, tam tol'ko v akustike.
FA> Skol'ko vremeni Katy escho budet v Izraile?
FA> T.k. esli dogovarivat'sa s klubom, to ne na
FA> etot mes'ac, tam uzhe programa zabita.
    Katy zdes' do 7-go. :-(
    No, mozhet byt', mozhno dogovorit'sja naschet menja? :-)
    A ty igraesh' odno otdelenie?

    Stepan (-: Ó npubetom :-)

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>*< It doesn't seem to have occurred to the poet, / That nobody agrees with anybody else anyhow, but adults conceal it and infants show it.

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