Re[2]: Happy Lyonik!

From: Stepan M. Pechkin (
Date: Fri 12 Nov 1999 - 19:21:24 IST

    O, Oz!
>> Budem prosche - dve "nachinayuschie" gruppy po 15-20 min. i osnovnaya
>> na chas...
OT> Nu ty hvatil !!!
OT> za 15-20 minut oni uspeyut tol'ko nastroit' instrumenty i zvuk !
A cherez pjat' let budem udivljat'sja, pochemu eto v Izraile nikto ne umeet igrat'...

    Stepan (-: c npubetom :-)

FidoNet 2:405/333.21, 2:5020/644.51

>*< And bees don't do anything either, bees just have a reputation for industry because they are sharp enough to buzz,

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