Re: slovo - ne vorobej

From: Michael Livshin (
Date: Tue 30 Nov 1999 - 18:42:18 IST

Dmitry Elkind <> writes:

> Da shut s nim, s Muhom, ya sovsem ne namerevalsia pisat' ego apologiju,
> prosto nepriyatna eta ohota na ved'm (kstati, Mazin i Muh - oba na "M"..
> Sovpadenie ili mistika???)

karma, dorogoy, chistoy vody karma. ne perevesti li vam etu
discussiyu v lichnyii mail, apropos? a to kakoy-to chat-list pro Muha
u nas tut poluchayetsya.

da, i chto konkretno ty podrazumevayesh' pod ekstremal'noy musykoy?
inquiring prog minds want to know. odin iz nih, po krainey mere ;).


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