[www.tarunz.org] [newton.uam.mx]

Hi, my name is Georgii KHACHATUROV. This is my personal home page.

I (1951) completed  in 1968 my study at the Kolmogorov High School of the Moscow State University .

I received my Master degree in Mathematics (1973) from the Leningrad State University and Ph.D. in Cybernetics (1982) from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute .

From 1974 to 1992, I worked in the Central Institute for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics of the St-Petersburg State Technical University (former the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute). In that period I participated as researcher and developer in a number of Russian projects, for example, belonging to the space-shuttle program "Buran". My last position there was Head of Computer Science laboratory and Senior Research Associate. From 1994, I am with Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana -Azcapotzalco , Mexico City, as a Professor.

Actually, my research interests belong to Computer Vision, Robotics, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence - in all parts related to automation of the human navigation activity.

You can see a short review of my relatively recent publications (beginning from 1995). In particular, it allows downloading some compressed papers in PS format.

If you are interested in more detailed information about me, you can see my full Curriculum Vitae .

Those guests who want know something about my relatives, you can see Khachaturov family site and to a page that contains family pictures and texts in Russian .

Contact information :

My e-mail: xgeorge@correo.azc.uam.mx

My address:

Prof. Georgii Khachaturov 
Departamento de Sistemas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Azc.
Av. San Pablo 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, C.P. 02200, D.F., Mexico

Phone (+52) 55 5318 9532 + extension 139

(dail it after you hear a voice-menu message in Spanish);
     Note that even if I am outside the office, 
     your can let me a voice massage: 
     it will be sent to my e-mail at once.

fax (+52) 55 5394 4534


Last actualization : Tue, 11/November/2010

[www.tarunz.org] [newton.uam.mx]