> > > Good music in Il. Ne tak uzh i mnogo ee, mozhno odnu strochku v mesyats i prochest'....
> > >
> > > > Nu, uzh, izvinite... A kak ehto-to vjazhetsja s ru-rock-in-il?
> > > ----
> > Luchshe pro devochek iz Kir'yat-Bialika chem pro Prodigy....:)
> ya ne soglasen, PRODIGY dostoina uvajeniya.
1) Davajte golosovat'!
2) Uvazhajte sebe, xot' Danu Intl., no ru-rock-in-il ne rush'te..
3) A devochki iz K.Mockina.. DOSTOJNY uvazhenija|>>
4) U kogo-to v r-ne Xajfy est' original'nye Aukcyony?
5) To zhe obo vsem starom dobrom RUSSKOM ROKE..?
_ ________
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I \I_)(_)I mole brain of the senior CS B.Sc. student..+972-[0]4-8335862
I ------------------ End of Message --------- that's my phoNo.
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