Hi !
1) "Aria". Gastroli organizovany deistvitelno "Legendami Russkogo rocka".
Venues :
Jerusalem - "Tel OR", with "Ausweis"
Tel-Aviv - "Beith-Ha-Hayal", with "Rabbie Castle"
Haifa - "Technion", with ?
2) Esli kto ne znaet, to 2 i 6 July v Tel-Avive Ravi Shenkar.
Zhelayushie mogut nachat' polemiku ob ego otnosheniju k Russkomu Rocku, no ya
by ne rekomendoval.
3) Mozhet kto-nibud' byvshij na "Prodigy" podelitsya svoimi vpechatleniami ?
Zhelatelno vstavit' v "Subj" slovo "Prodigy", chtob samye krutye mogli srazu steret' etot mail.
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