Hi !
August vse-taki samyj chernyj den' dlya Russkogo Rock-n-rolla.
Istochnk INFO - "SPB Times" :
'Father of Russian Punk' Andrei Panov Dies at 38
The reputed "Father of Russian Punk," Andrei Panov, died of an abdominal
disorder in
a local hospital Thursday. He was 38.
Singer, guitarist and songwriter Panov - better known to some as Svin
("Swine") - helped to form the local punk scene in the rich rock
climate of the late 1970s.
His best-known band was called Avtomaticheskiye Udovletvoriteli
("Automatic Satisfiers"), formed in 1979, with the name being an
obvious reference to London's Sex Pistols.
But unlike his British counterparts, Panov and his local punk pals
were not street kids or working-class chaff: Panov was the son of a
choreographer and ballerina.
Panov was the focal point of the burgeoning Petersburg punk scene, a
breeding-ground for many bands, most notably the popular group Kino.
Panov's songs were not political but they were irreverent and witty:
His dogged non-conformism and outrageous look led to many conflicts
with the police and a ban on public performances that lasted until
late 1986. His first big concert in 1987 caused quite a stir, and
Panov was arrested for "petty hooliganism."
Unlike many of his former peers, Panov was indifferent to commercial
success and was content to perform the occasional gig at local venues
like the now-defunct TaMtAm and Ten clubs.
Panov's most recent project was Arkestr AU, which was a departure from
his original minimalist style and featured a horn session.
Panov - who is survived by his six-week-old daughter, his girlfriend
and his parents - was buried at the city's crematorium Monday. Panov's
diagnosis was peritonitis, a swelling of the lining of the abdominal
A benefit concert featuring local acts Korol i Shut, Iceberg, Oleg
Garkusha of Auktsyon, Buratino Band, Rock 'n' Roll City and Pilot will
take place in Panov's honor Sept. 6 at Poligon Club. All proceeds will
go to Panov's family.
Leonid Ulitsky.
e-mail : ulitsky@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il, ulitsky@wiztec.co.il
URL: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~ulitsky
Phone : +(972)-(0)3-9490977 (home), +(972)-(0)9-9526557 (work)
ICQ # :10943984
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