> Mozhet byt posle dryannogo "Durnya" vyidet chto-to normalnoe. Let's see.
budem nadejat'sja..
soglasen, no obsyrat' za glaza nikogo ne nado (u luny, ved', tozhe dve
storony, a ne tol'ko u monety, da i palka ona o dvux koncax [gusary,
> Chto do perespektiv, sledushij god dolzhen byt' krutym. Po statistike.
> Syadte i vypishite concerty po godam (Russkie i zapadnye) i vy menya
> poimete %^)
dyk ty rasskazhi..
> 3) V week-end posle Iom Kippura (3-4/10 ?) V Beit Shaane budet festival s
> uchatiem "Chemical
> Brothers" i vozmozno "Beastie Boys" (istochnik - Maariv ot 31/8). Starye
> rockery mogut nachinat blevat' v borodu....
BbBbBuU-u-u-u-a-aAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. (Vytiraju borodu)..
_ ________
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I \I_)(_)I mole brain of the senior CS B.Sc. student..+972-[0]4-8335862
I ------------------ End of Message --------- that's my phoNo.
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