> > Zdravstvuite! Oh i duryat nashego brata!
> > Nam pokazyvayut pod vidom NTV ne to, chto v Rossii,
> > nazyvaya eto NTV International.
Nu, tak pochemu duryat?:)))
Est' NTV, a est' NTV international:)
> > Vy eshe bol'she budete vozmusheny, kogda sravnite programmy NTV i
> > NTV International
Po barabanu:)
Kakaya raznica:)
Chem vozmuschatsya to?:))))
> > Esli Vy, vmesto shebetaniya strija, propahshih naftalinom fil'mov i
> > drugoi
> > galimat'i, hotite smotret' nastoyashee deistvo na futbol'nyh polyah i
> > sovremennoe kino, to davaite poprobuem etogo dobit'sya.
Po-moemu zanaftalinennye fil'my gorazdo interesnee i glubzhe sovremennogo
govna, kotoroe vypuskaet nyneshnyaya russkaya kinoindustriya.
Uzh pust' budet "A ya shagayu po Moskve", chem ocherednaya porno seriya
pro novyh russkih.
> > Lichno ya poslal sleduyushee poslanie:
> > We want to see Russian and European soccer on NTV International like
> > on the regular NTV.
> > Please.
A ya lichno poslal sleduyuschee poslanie:
We don't want to see Russian and European soccer on NTV International like
on regular NTV, because we have Eurosport, Channel 5 and so on and have
enough soccer:)
:) Shutka:)
> > Spasibo za vnimanie. Ya na Vas nadeyus'.
Stay cool,
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