"Mir kak mi ego znali podhodit k koncu - i chert s nim"/ "It's the
end of the world as we know it" REM
On Thu, 26 Nov 1998, Leonid Ulitsky wrote:
> Kstati, narod, a slabo` napisat' nazvaniya pesen imeninnichka i
> sootvetstvuyushie originaly hotya-by kakoy-to chasti "sodrannogo"? ;)
> "Vozmi menya k reke"/ "Take me to the River", D. Burn
> "Korol Yablok" / "On with the show", Stones (ya prosto poehal ot ego
> naglosti, kogda uslyshal
> original)
> "Synov'ya molchalivyh Dnej" -- chto-to analogichnoe by Bowie (bylo uzhe)
> Eshe vspomnju - napishu
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Leonid Ulitsky.
> e-mail : ulitsky@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il, ulitsky@wiztec.co.il
> URL: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~ulitsky
> Phone : +(972)-(0)3-9490977 (home), +(972)-(0)9-9526557 (work)
> ICQ # :10943984
> ----
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