A SHRA znaesh chto takoe ?
At 16:05 02/12/98 +0200, you wrote:
>You, Michael Baram, were spotted writing this on Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at
04:27:18PM +0200:
>> LOL - laugh over limit
>> >
>> > AFAIK = As Far As I Know
>> > BTW = By The Way
>> > LOL = Lot Of Laugh (Po-moemu tak)
>Specialisty, blin.
>LOL = laughing out loud
>ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing
>ROTFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
>IIRC = if I recall correctly
>FYI = for your information
>Nu i t.p.
>Anatoly Vorobey,
>mellon@pobox.com http://pobox.com/~mellon/
>"Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly" - G.K.Chesterton
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Leonid Ulitsky.
e-mail : ulitsky@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il, ulitsky@wiztec.co.il
URL: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~ulitsky
Phone : +(972)-(0)3-9490977 (home), +(972)-(0)9-9526557 (work)
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---- Russian Rock in Israel mailing list home page can be found at http://www.tarunz.org/~vassilii/ru-rock-in-il/To unsubscribe, please send mail to majordomo@lists.neystadt.org with only the following line in the message body (NOT SUBJECT!): unsubscribe ru-rock-in-il
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