> ( Na bezryb'je i rak - ryba. I Mashyna - rock :/ )
net, nu tut ja sterpet prosto ne mogu.
Iliya (Sedelnikov),
Vi, sudar eshe pod stol hodili peshkom, kogda mashina igrala
Takie kak Gradsky i Makar prakticheski dedushki rocka v Russia,
i ot nih vse poshlo.
a vashe zayavlenie, mojno priravnyat k tomu,
chto Beatles - na bezribje - toje foreign rock
> ----
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---- Russian Rock in Israel mailing list home page can be found at http://www.tarunz.org/~vassilii/ru-rock-in-il/To unsubscribe, please send mail to majordomo@lists.neystadt.org with only the following line in the message body (NOT SUBJECT!): unsubscribe ru-rock-in-il
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