O, Ignatovsky,
воскресенье, 7 Февраль 1999, you wrote:
> Dima ty ne ponimaesh' o chem ya govoryu.
> Prochti vnimatel'nee i ne otvechay lish' by otvetit'.
Snizojdi k nam i objasni, pro chto ty govorish'.
> Smysla sporit' net.
> Sporit' radi togo chtob lish' by chto-to napisat' v list udel Baby Yagi,
> kotoraya protiv.
Chuvak, ja udivlen. Ty chto, reshil naehat'? Nu-ka, podtverdi.
Mozhet, opjat' vse tebja ne tak ponjali.
Stepan (-с приветом:-) mailto:pechkin@netvision.net.il
RealName: Lev Schenderovitch, Mahshevim-23/3
>*<Nihye, namut ve-`az nir`e.
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