O, Pavel!
PL> Xotel by najti gruppu kotoroj nuzhen basist (ne punk!)
PL> U menja Peavey T-40, kazhetsja, edinstvennyj in the Middle East :)
PL> Usilitelja net.
PL> Grom
PL> 08-8648099
A v J. ezdit' ne slabo? Est' u menja idejka. Pishi mylom.
Stepan (-: c npubetom :-)
aka pechkin@handlin.pet.ac.il http://pechkin.spb.ru
FidoNet 2:405/333.21, 2:5020/644.51
>*< Because the suitable things you didn't do give you a lot more trouble than the unsuitable things you did.
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