O, Gersh!
GS> esli teper' na Dugovke ludi budut iskat' koster s Letovym , a
GS> navernyaka naidutsya takie , dlya kotoryh on materializuetsya , vinovat
GS> budet nash list i ego lakonichnye pis'ma.
Chital, chital... Hotel otvetit'... Peredumal. Pojdu luchshe
zastreljus'. Ot chuvstva viny.
Stepan (-: c npubetom :-)
aka pechkin@handlin.pet.ac.il http://pechkin.spb.ru
FidoNet 2:405/333.21, 2:5020/644.51
>*< And the first two or three times it happens you think they will eventually identify themselves but finally you get to know that they consistently won't,
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