Hello ,
Podozhdi-podozhdi, ya ne ponyal - chto, Red Snapper priezhaet???!!!!!
i Cold Cut??!!!
lu> 3 citaty :
lu> 1) "13 June zhdite krutogo koncerta ugadajte kogo"
lu> S http://www.shuki.co.il/ (sait Shuki Waisa)
lu> (vol'nyj perevod s ivrita - glyan'te sami na original)
lu> 2) "Stas Gagarinov, director "Akvariuma" byl
lu> na koncerte "Red Snapper" v Londone - ulet
lu> polnyj. Vsyo vzhivuyu igraetsya, abaldet'"
lu> Dr. Dooser, v chastnoj besede %^)
lu> 3)" The 5th Festival for alternative music "NEXT" will
lu> be the biggest yet and Red Snapper and Cold Cut are
lu> just two of the featured British bands. Look out too
lu> for the unique collaboration between Barry Sakharov
lu> and Talvin Singh.
lu> Monday 5 - Saturday 24 June 2000,
lu> venues throughout Tel Aviv "
lu> S http://www.britishcouncil.org.il -> "Arts"
lu> Nu i eshe ya chital, chto Shuki Wais uchastvuet v
lu> etom godu v organizacii "Next"-a %^)))
lu> Pravda, ne rock eto konechno, i ya ne dumaju,
lu> chto poidu. Hotya posmotrim daty, ceny i vse takoe....
lu> Leonia
Free Tibet!
Tricky mailto:diamondmind@mail.ru
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