O, Victor!
>> Tak 4to vozmozhnost' takaya imeetsja...Srednee Uho,privezite Alisu,ne
>> pozhaleete.....
VL> ne privezjom, potomu i ne pozhaleem.
>> Mi vmeste.
VL> VY vmeste.
VL> fashisty (ili pridurki) pust' otdyhajut gde-nibud' podal'she.
VL> v dal'nejshuju diskussiju ja vstupat' ne nameren.
Vitja, ty peregibaesh' palku. Letov tut uzhe byl, a vse-taki on
bol'she ekstremist, po-moemu.
Stepan (-: c npubetom :-)
FidoNet 2:5100/109.111
>*< And bees don't do anything either, bees just have a reputation for industry because they are sharp enough to buzz,
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