Re[2]: Kinchev

From: Stepan M. Pechkin (
Date: Thu 29 Jul 1999 - 01:41:43 IDT

    O, D0c!

dSMC> Delo ne v Kuraeve.
dSMC> A to chto ego, bednogo, okruzhili Abramovichi, i emu enschastnomu, prosto
dSMC> nekuda ot nih bezhat':-)
      Ja nikogda ne pripisyval Kinchevu nekoego osobogo, extraordinarnogo uma.
Tol'ko horoshij sluh i prirodnoe chutje na zvuk i slog. Vse ostal'noe so
vremen fil'ma "Vzlomschik" ne uluchalos', a tol'ko uproschalos', zaigryvalos'
- degradirovalo, ladno, skazhu eto slovo.

  Da, obidno. No - ne smertel'no. S detstvom nado rasstavatsja veselo. Pojdu,
poslushaju "Zelenye Rukava".

    Stepan (-: Ó npubetom :-)

FidoNet 2:405/333.21, 2:5020/644.51

>*< And really the only way you can tell them apart is to wait till next day, and the infant is the one that feels all right when it wakes up.

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