At 02:51 PM 6/1/2000 +0200, Kyril Solntsev wrote:
> Da, i vot eshe, sovershenno po-moemu vernoe utverzhdenie s kotorym ya na
>200% soglasen (pri vsei moei lubvi k Led Zeppelin)
> "...Although the Who in the early '70s were
> accused by many of sounding too much like
> Led Zeppelin, anyone with any sense knows
> that Townshend (even at his worst) could
> write, compose and perform circles around
> that glorified session cat Jimmy Page. Take a
> listen to Zeppelin's live mope- session on The
> Song Remains the Same and it becomes
> pretty obvious Page and Plant could never
> hope to match Townshend and Co.'s near-
> psychotic intensity onstage..."
Ya dumaju, chto eto napisano zlostnym fanatom The Who, a fanaty Led Zeps (i
ya, kak byvshii) s nim posporil by...
Dmitry Elkind
Phone: +972 +3 6343223 ext. 227 (office), +972 2 5671099 (home)
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